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人民大会堂香烟在烟店都有买的 北京只有中南海 10块钱一包只有中南海5mg,坐飞机最起码能带两条 人民大会堂香烟是营口的烟和北京没关系,也没有卖的,

⑵ 有谁知道里根在中国人民大会堂的演讲“the future is ours to build”的英文和中文译文

Remarks to Chinese Community Leaders in Beijing, ChinaApril 27, 1984Thank you very much, Dr. Zhou Peiyuan, and all of you distinguished ladies and gentlemen. I'm honored to come before you today, the first American President ever to address your nation from the Great Hall of the People.My wife, Nancy, and I have looked forward to visiting the people and treasures of your great and historic land, one of the world's oldest civilizations. We have marveled at Beijing's sweeping vistas, and we have felt the warmth of your hospitality touch our hearts. We only regret that our visit will be so brief. I'm afraid it will be as a Tang Dynasty poet once wrote, “looking at the flowers while riding horseback.'' But you have another saying from the book of Han which describes how Nancy and I feel: “To see a thing once is better than hearing about it a hundred times.''Twelve years ago former President Nixon arrived in Beijing, stepped down from Air Force One, and shook hands with former Premier Zhou Enlai. Premier Zhou would later tell him, “Your handshake came over the vastest ocean in the world — 25 years of no communication.'' With one handshake, America and China each turned a new page in their histories.I believe that history beckons again. We have begun to write a new chapter for peace and progress in our histories with America and China going forward hand in hand — xieshou bingjin [walk together hand in hand].We must always be realistic about our relationship, frankly acknowledging the fundamental differences in ideology and institutions between our two societies. Yes, let us acknowledge those differences. Let us never minimize them. But let us not be dominated by them.I have not come to China to hold forth on what divides us, but to build on what binds us. I have not come to dwell on a closed-door past, but to urge that Americans and Chinese look to the future, because together we can and will make tomorrow a better day.When Premier Zhao was in the United States, he told us, “China has opened its door and will never close it again.'' Permit me to assure you today, America's door is open to you, and when you walk through, we'll welcome you as our neighbors and our friends.We may live at nearly opposite ends of the world. We may be distinctly different in language, customs, and political beliefs. But on many vital questions of our time, there is little difference between the American and Chinese people. Indeed, I believe if we were to ask citizens all over this world what they desire most for their children, and for their children's children, their answer, in English, Chinese, or any language, would likely be the same: We want peace. We want freedom. We want a better life. Their dreams, so simply stated, represent mankind's deepest aspirations for security and personal fulfillment. And helping them make their dreams come true is what our jobs are all about.We can work together as equals in a spirit of mutual respect and mutual benefit. I believe in Chinese you say hu jing hu hui.Well, America and China are both great nations. And we have a special responsibility to preserve world peace.To help fulfill that responsibility, the United States is rebuilding its defenses, which had been neglected for more than a decade. Our people realize this effort is crucial if we're to deter aggression against America, our allies, and other friends. But we threaten no nation. America's troops are not massed on China's borders. And we occupy no lands. The only foreign land we occupy anywhere in the world is beneath gravesites where Americans shed their blood for peace and freedom. Nor do we commit wanton acts, such as shooting 269 innocent people out of the sky for the so-called cause of sacred airspace.America and China both condemn military expansionism, the brutal occupation of Afghanistan, the crushing of Kampuchea; and we share a stake in preserving peace on the Korean peninsula.I think our two peoples agree there can be only one sane policy to preserve our precious civilization in this modern nuclear age: A nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought. And that's why we've proposed to the Soviet Union meaningful negotiations that go beyond rhetoric to actual arms rections and why we must all work for the day when nuclear weapons will be banished from the face of the Earth.America's interest in China, our friendship for your people, and our respect for China's many contributions to the progress of civilization date back to the beginning of our own history. You might be interested to know that personal dinner settings used by our first three Presidents — George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson — were of Chinese origin, evidence of our Founding Fathers attraction for your country's high artistic standards.Back in 1784, when the first American trading ship, the Empress of China, entered your waters, my country was unknown to you. We were a new republic, eager to win a place in international commerce. A slightly homesick American sailor recorded that first day in a letter home.“My dear father,'' he wrote, “if ever you receive this letter, it will acquaint you, that after a passage of 6 months and 7 days we came to anchor at Wampoo . . . The Chinese had never heard of us, but we introced ourselves as a new nation, gave them our history with a description of our country, the importance and necessity of a trade here to the advantage of both, which they appear perfectly to understand and wish.''Well, since those early days, our countries have both profited from the exchange of people, goods, and ideas. Chinese settlers helped tame our continent ring the 19th century. Today their families' descendants join other Americans in cooperating with you to build a new prosperity in China.How did America, which began as an impoverished country and a melting pot, attracting immigrants from every corner of the globe, pull together and become the leading economic nation in the world? How did we go in so short a time from living by candlelight to exploring the frontiers of the universe by satellite, from each farmer laboring with horse and hoe for an entire year just to feed four people, to running his farm with the most modern machinery and procing enough to feed 75 people, making America the breadbasket of the world?Well, we're people who've always believed the heritage of our past is the seed that brings forth the harvest of our future. And from our roots we have drawn tremendous power from two great forces: faith and freedom. America was founded by people who sought freedom to worship God and to trust in Him to guide them in their daily lives with wisdom, strength, goodness, and compassion.Our passion for freedom led to the American Revolution, the first great uprising for human rights and independence against colonial rule. We knew each of us could not enjoy liberty for ourselves unless we were willing to share it with everyone else. And we knew our freedom could not truly be safe unless all of us were protected by a body of laws that treated us equally.George Washington told us we would be bound together in a sacred brotherhood of free men. Abraham Lincoln defined the heart of American democracy when he said, “No man is good enough to govern another man without that other's consent. . . .'' These great principles have nourished the soul of America, and they have been enriched by values such as the dignity of work, the friendship of neighbors, and the warmth of family. Like China, our people see the future in the eyes of our children. And like China, we revere our elders. To be as good as our fathers and mothers, we must be better.“Trust the people'' — these three words are not only the heart and soul of American history but the most powerful force for human progress in the world today. Those who ignore this vital truth will condemn their countries to fall farther and farther behind in the world's competition for economic leadership in the 1980's and beyond, because look around us, the societies that have made the most spectacular progress in the shortest period of time are not the most rigidly organized nor even the richest in natural resources. No, it's where people have been allowed to create, compete, and build, where they've been permitted to think for themselves, make economic decisions, and benefit from their own risks, that societies have become the most prosperous, progressive, dynamic, and free. Nothing could be more basic to the spirit of progress for a farmer, laborer, or merchant than economic reward for legitimate risk and honest toil.A little over a century ago, Ulysses S. Grant, who was then a former President, visited your country and saw China's great potential. “I see dawning . . .'' Grant wrote, “the beginning of a change. When it does come, China will rapidly become a powerful and rich nation . . . The population is instrious, frugal, intelligent, and quick to learn.''Well, today, China's economy crackles with the dynamics of change: expansion of indivial incentives for farmers in your new responsibility system; new bonuses for workers and more disciplined management in terms of profits and losses; improved methods of market distribution; opening your economy to the world through China's membership in the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and through your invitation to trade and invest, especially in your four Special Economic Zones; and your commitment to attract capital and scientific knowledge to create a high technology base for the future. All this reflects China's new role in the international economic community and your determination to modernize your economy and raise the standard of living of your people. Unlike some governments which fear change and fear the future, China is beginning to reach out toward new horizons, and we salute your courage. “Progress,'' Premier Zhao has told us, “lies in our efforts to emancipate our thinking in a bold way — to carry out reform with determination, to make new inventions with courage, and to break with the economic molds and conventions of all descriptions which fetter the development of the proctive force.'' Well, we Americans have always considered ourselves pioneers, so we appreciate such vitality and optimism. Today I bring you a message from my countrymen. As China moves forward in this new path, America welcomes the opportunity to walk by your side. Incidentally, I know Premier Zhao has demonstrated mastery of his subject. When he was directing agricultural policies in Sichuan, the peasants went from food shortages and forced imports to bumper harvests and rising exports. In fact, I'm told that because of the work he did, it is said in Sichuan Province, “If you want rice, go see Zhao.''Well, China's growth is in China's hands. You will choose your own path to development. But we're not surprised to see the fresh breezes of incentives and innovation sweeping positive changes across China. And behind the statistics of economic growth are reports of personal success stories pointing to a new spirit of progress. Chairman Deng has a saying, “Seek truth from facts.'' Well, today in China, the reality of more small enterprises doing a thriving business, more families profiting from their own hard work and the bigger harvests they proce, and more investment in science and technology points to more opportunity for all. President John Kennedy often used a metaphor to describe such progress: “A rising tide lifts all boats.'' In the United States, as I mentioned earlier, we've always believed deeply that incentives are key and that free people build free markets that ignite dynamic development for everyone. For a time, America's government had drifted away from this key principle, and our economic growth suffered. When we took office, in January 1981, we said to the people, “Let us make a new beginning. From now on, if you work harder and earn more than before, your reward will be greater than it was. We're putting America's future in your hands. You can spark the spirit of enterprise. You can get America moving again.'' And they have. In 3 short years, the American people have revived a dynamic growth economy bolstered by incentives of lower tax rates, stable prices, reced interest rates, a rebirth of proctivity, and restored confidence in our currency. Hope is high. Confidence is strong. America's future looks bright again. With a strong technological base, pioneering sunrise instries and modernizing older ones, the United States is beginning an economic renaissance and helping pull other nations toward worldwide recovery. I see America and our Pacific neighbors going forward in a mighty enterprise to build strong economies and a safer world. The United States and China have an historic opportunity. We can expand our economic and scientific cooperation, strengthen the ties between our peoples, and take an important step toward peace and a better life. And there is much we can share.We think progress in four areas is particularly promising: trade, technology, investment, and exchanges of scientific and managerial expertise.In a few short years, two-way trade has risen sharply. The United States is now China's third largest trading partner. Our bilateral trade shows great promise for the future, particularly in areas such as machinery, technology, oil equipment, petroleum, agricultural and manufacturing procts.Last June, I instructed our government to liberalize controls over the export to China of high technology procts, such as computers and laboratory instruments. Our policies on technology transfer will continue to evolve along with our overall relationship and the development of broader cooperation between us. May I emphasize to the members of the scientific community here today: The relaxing of export controls reflects my determination that China be treated as a friendly, nonallied nation and that the United States be fully prepared to cooperate in your modernization.During Premier Zhao's visit to our country, we took another step forward, signing the United States-China Instrial and Technological Cooperation Accord. Our Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade will discuss implementation of the Accord ring their next meeting in Washington in May. We will focus our efforts on the sectors to which China has attached greatest priority. Our trade and development program will facilitate our progress.Expanding cooperative ventures is another area of promising growth: American firms have invested almost $700 million in joint ventures and offshore oil exploration in China, making the United States your largest foreign investor. We welcome your determination to improve conditions for foreign business in China. Streamlining bureaucratic proceres, establishing a more predictable system for investment through domestic legislation and international agreements, reforming prices to make them internationally competitive, and providing foreign business people with the offices, housing, and schools they and their families need to work effectively, will stimulate more American investment.For your part, some 50 Chinese firms have established offices or branches in the United States, and China has invested in several joint ventures in our country.We intend to strengthen these trends. When Treasury Secretary Regan was here last month for the meeting of the Joint Economic Committee, he concluded a bilateral tax agreement. Monday, our two countries will sign this agreement, which, I'm pleased to report, will increase incentives for even closer cooperation between American and Chinese firms. And we're continuing to work toward conclusion of bilateral agreements on greater investment protection and many other areas of cooperation.I am particularly proud that the United States and China have reached agreement on cooperation in the peaceful uses of atomic energy. As many of you know, the negotiations between our two countries go back almost to the beginning of my administration. We have held a total of six sessions in Washington and Beijing. We made great progress ring Premier Zhao's visit, and our negotiations have just now concluded successfully. The result: an agreement for cooperation in peaceful uses of nuclear energy.I understand that several of the people here made major contributions to this effort, which meets the requirements of both sides. Once approval is complete, it will open broad opportunities for joint work in development of the energy base which China needs for her modernization. Scientists, engineers, business leaders, and officials of both countries interested in peaceful nuclear energy will welcome this agreement. China has one of the world's most ambitious programs for expansion of electric power generation, and I believe that America's energy technology — not just in nuclear energy but across the board — is second to none, and perhaps most suitable for China's varied needs. Our agreement is founded on important nonproliferation standards. We have noticed recent statements of China's nonproliferation policies, particularly those by Premier Zhao in Washington and Beijing over the past several months. Premier Zhao and I have discussed these matters directly. I can tell you that our countries share the same basic principles of preserving world peace and preventing the destabilizing spread of nuclear explosives. Neither of us will encourage proliferation nor assist any other country to acquire or develop any nuclear explosive device. Our cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy will be based on shared principles of nonproliferation.There is also great potential in our joint efforts to increase managerial and scientific expertise. I know that many of you have heard through the Chinese press about the good work of the 9-month Dalian program of management training for instry, science, and technology. More than 750 graates have received training in modern methods of instrial management. And I'm told some of you are graates of that program. Well, I'm delighted to announce that we have agreed to establish a special new program there offering a full 3-year master's degree in business administration. The degree will be awarded by the State University of New York. We're to share with you the knowledge that is America's key technology — management and science skills to develop a nation.Under our Joint Commission on Science and Technology, we have a very proctive agreement with exchange programs in 21 specific areas. We're sharing the benefits of research in medicine, energy, and other technical fields. Our scientists are learning a great deal from each other in public health, agricultural sciences, and many other areas. 由于回复限制字数,未完

⑶ 《想象力统治世界》pdf下载在线阅读,求百度网盘云资源















⑷ 真的有西方极乐世界吗

西方极乐世界真的存在!可以看看《无量寿经》(它有5种原译本,4种种会集本,推荐你读夏莲居居士会集本,全称是《佛说大乘无量寿庄严清净平等觉经》)和《阿弥陀经》,其中是释迦牟尼佛详细介绍的西方极乐世界的样子。佛菩萨都不打妄语,所以要详细佛说的。西方极乐世界真的存在!最不可思议的因果报应就是【念佛能成佛】,只要一心称念阿弥陀佛名号(念【南无阿弥陀佛】六个字或【阿弥陀佛】四个字, 其中“阿”读【ā】),【不怀疑、不夹杂、不间断】,当临命终时阿弥陀佛和观世音菩萨、大势至菩萨还有西方极乐世界的菩萨众会亲自来接引你,如弹指顷就往生到极乐世界了。只要往生到西方极乐世界,就作【阿惟越致菩萨】,获得无生法忍,具备【天眼洞视】(十方三世一切事情都看得见)、【天耳彻听】(十方三世一切音声都听得见)、【他心遍知】(知道一切众生心中想的是什么)、【宿命通】(知道自己及众生以前生生世世的事情)、【神足通】(各种变化神通),【寿命无量】,也不再有生死,彻底脱离六道轮回,而且只要很短的时间就能成佛。发心念佛愿往生西方净土的人,才发一念求生极乐世界的心,极乐世界的七宝池内便生莲花一朵,并标上这位念佛人的名字。如果这位念佛的人愿心精进,念佛念得很勤,这个莲花一天一天就大,光色一天一天就好。将来你往生时阿弥陀佛来接引你,手上拿的莲花,就是你自己修的莲花。如果你念得懈怠,念得不勤快,这个花长得就很慢,光色就差一点,你那朵莲花就一日比一日萎悴【cuì】,最后就自动殒灭了。《十往生经》云:【若有众生,念阿弥陀佛,愿往生者,彼佛即遣二十五菩萨,拥护行者;若行、若坐、若住、若卧,若昼、若夜,一 切时,一切处,不令恶鬼恶神,得其便也。】释迦牟尼佛在《无量寿经》中说归依瞻礼阿弥陀佛的人【于我法中,得名第一弟子】,又说阿弥陀佛是【佛中之王】,十方三世一切佛都称扬赞叹阿弥陀佛,赞叹这个法门,因为这个法门【三根普被,利钝全收】,上自等觉菩萨、下至地狱众生都能学习,只要往生到极乐世界就做阿惟越致菩萨,获得无生法忍,而且成佛快速,学习其他法门我们一生的时间根本不够。至于这句佛号的详细意义,可以看看《无量寿经》(夏莲居居士会集本,全称是《佛说大乘无量寿庄严清净平等觉经》),并且可以在【网络】中搜索【净空法师影音报恩讲堂】,里面有其详细的视频讲述。还可以【网络】中搜索【《佛说大乘无量寿庄严清净平等觉经》讲记】,里面是净空法师对《无量寿经》的讲解。而且念佛现世就能得大利益,可以在【网络】中搜索【念佛感应见闻记–学佛网】,里面有很多念佛获得感应的事实。可以在【网络】中搜索【e世纪往生传】 、 【《净土圣贤录易解》(慧律法师白话文整理)--学佛网】 、 【莲池海会念佛往生见闻记】 、 【善女人往生传】里面有很多念佛往生的事实。并且可以在【网络】中搜索【饬终须知–学佛网】,里面有如何临终关怀、帮助往生的详细讲述。还可以在【网络】中搜索【程晋林居士助念心得(41集)–学佛网】, 里面有很多临终助念心得。在命终之前这段时间我们要谨言慎行,【诸恶莫作,众善奉行,自净其意】。因为一切都是【因果报应】:种善因得善果,种恶因得恶报,善有善报,恶有恶报,因果报应丝毫不差,一切都是【自作自受】!我们每天都在不停地造作,一般分为【身业】(即身体的造作)、【口业】(即言语上的造作)、【意业】(即思想、念头),只要造业就会有报应,比如身造杀生、偷盗、邪淫,口造妄语、两舌、恶口、绮语,意造贪、嗔、痴等业,这些业都会给我们带来恶报,使我们遭受无量苦恼;而如果造“布施钱财”的业会得到财富,造“布施佛法”的业会得到智慧,造“无畏布施”(比如放生)的业会得到健康长寿…… 《孟子》中讲:【出乎尔者,反乎尔者也。】意思是说你怎样对待别人,别人也会反过来怎样对待你。在日常生活中我们要谨言慎行,【诸恶莫作,众善奉行,自净其意】。命运掌握在自己手里,【相由心生,境随心转】,【命由心造,福自我求】,【永言配命,自求多福】。人活着关键是要明白道理,明白了道理人就会有定力和主见。最重要的道理就是【因果报应】的道理,【万法皆空,因果不空】, 【祸福无门,惟人自召;善恶之报,如影随形。】善有善报,恶有恶报,因果报应丝毫不差。【万般带不去,唯有业随身】,【纵经千百劫,所做业不亡; 因缘会遇时,果报还自受】。【苦乐自当,无有代者】,一切都是【自作自受】!《周易》中说【积善之家,必有余庆;积不善之家,必有余殃】。可以在【网络】中搜索【《现代因果报应录》(道升居士编著)–学佛网】 、 【现代因果实录三合一】 、【因果报应录-唐湘清居士-佛教故事】,里面有很多关于轮回转世、报恩报怨、讨债还债的因果报应的事实。 另外,【色是刮骨钢刀】,【万恶淫为首】,淫欲最损自己的身体,最损自己的福报,最能招来灾祸!可以在【网络】中搜索【邪淫的十大不虚恶报–学佛网】 、 【邪淫恶报,真实不虚–学佛网】、【中医谈自蔚_网络文库】、 【手银的危害及治疗_网络文库】、【《寿康宝鉴》白话,戒邪淫wang修订版PDF文件_网络文库】、【关圣帝君戒淫经注解–学佛网】 、【《欲海回狂》白话文–学佛网】,里面有很多戒淫得福、邪淫得祸的因果报应的事实;还可以在【网络】中搜索【业莲清德的频道-优酷视频】,里面有【圣贤教育-改变命运】的视频专辑,其中有四个视频分别是【色情泛滥对现代人的伤害】(第43个视频)、【三精成一毒专伤不洁女】(第44个视频)、【卖身求享受最可耻】(第45个视频)、【地下妈妈的故事】(第46个视频),里面详细讲述了色情、纵欲对男人、女人身体造成的巨大危害,还有几个因邪淫而遭受惨烈报应的女人亲身讲述自己的痛苦经历;并且,在【《圣贤教育-改变命运》续集】这个专辑里有两个视频,一个叫【开放的生活方式对女子身心的伤害】(第28个视频),是一位女中医师讲述女子“姓”开放和“剁胎”对身体的严重损害,另一个视频叫【《伤德、伤身、伤命的根本症解》:中医博士彭鑫讲述邪淫对身体的巨大危害】(第29个视频),是一位男中医师讲述男子“姓”开放对身体的严重损害。此外,“剁胎”是杀人,而且是杀自己的亲生骨肉,男女双方都会得到惨烈的报应,千万不可以“剁胎”,可以在【网络】中搜索【业莲清德的频道-优酷视频】,里面有【《圣贤教育-改变命运》续集】的视频专辑,其中有个视频叫【丁嘉丽采访净空法师 珍惜生命请勿杀子剁胎】(第27个视频),里面有详细的讲述。还可以在【网络】中搜索“地狱变相图-大圆满法网”,里面有地狱中受报应详细的图像描述,看了会大开眼界,此图片系列不是凭空捏造,而是有佛经作为依据的,可以在【网络】中搜索【诸经佛说地狱集要】,它是从《大藏经》中找出来的二十五部具体详述地狱状况的经论,其内容之详尽,业因之明确,种类之繁多,果报之残酷,层层密覆,真是触目惊心,前所未见。还有,做善事会改变命运,可以在【网络】中搜索【了凡四训白话文–学佛网】,里面有详细的讲述;《佛说坚意经》中讲:【譬如种谷,随种而生,种善得福,种恶获殃,未有不种而获果实。】这就是改造命运的原理!还可以在【网络】中搜索【业莲清德的频道-优酷视频】,里面有《圣贤教育改变命运》的视频专辑,这是所有中国人一定要看的公益教育纪录片!里面是几十个当代各行各业的男女老少亲身讲述各自充满血和泪的人生苦难以及是怎样通过学习《弟子规》、实践《弟子规》摆脱这些苦难、获得幸福的经历,看后触目惊心,又觉得很亲切,因为他们的那些遭遇也是我们曾经经历、正在经历或者即将面临的经历,其中详细地讲述了当代中国人人生苦难的根源以及如何摆脱这些苦难从而获得幸福,有理论、有方法、有实例, 让我们能够学到和得到:父母如何安康,子女如何教育,夫妇如何美满,家庭如何和睦,灾祸如何化解,身心如何健康,事业如何兴旺及命运如何改变!如果你看了觉得受用,也多多地介绍给身边的亲戚朋友,让他们也能摆脱或者避免人生苦难、获得幸福美满的人生!强烈建议有钱但觉得不幸福的人们、没钱而羡慕奢华的人们、准备离婚的人们、已管不了孩子的人们、吃喝玩乐放纵享受的人们、病苦缠身的人们、找情人的人们、混迹黑社会的人们、不会做父母的人们、不会做夫妻的人们、放纵男女欲望的人们、赚钱不要命的人们、想自杀的人们、借钱消费的人们、崇洋媚外不想做中国人的人们、不孝父母的人们、贪污受贿坑人骗人的人们、从事色 情行业的人们、不会做女人的人们、影视界的人们、心怀怨恨的人们、不知感恩的人们…每天都看看这套节目,认真改过,我坚信你的命运一定会改变,一定会幸福美满!【人身难得今已得,佛法难闻今已闻。此身不向今生度,更待何生度此身。】我们要向身边的亲友广泛介绍因果报应、介绍念佛法门,使他们也早日脱离六道轮回之苦,早日成佛,如果能这样做,佛说此人是最孝子、真善友!(【注意】:以上视频建议在电脑中观看,手机中有的可能看不到)南无阿弥陀佛!

⑸ 国家法律法规数据库开通收录了哪些内容









⑹ 《阿里巴巴实战运营2:诚信通热卖技巧》pdf下载在线阅读,求百度网盘云资源


































⑺ 江民杀毒软件的大事纪

◆2009年2月26日,江民公司反病毒中心监测到,Adobe PDF格式的文件存在零日漏洞,使用该软件的用户一旦点击利用此漏洞的恶意网页即可中毒。 为保护广大电脑用户不受此漏洞危害,江民公司紧急研发推出免费漏洞补丁工具,供全国电脑用户免费下载。◆2009年3月16日,江民反病毒中心监测到,昔日盗窃网上银行用户大量资金的“网银大盗”病毒改头换面卷土重来,最新截获的“网银窃贼”病毒在技术上已经远胜昔日的毒王“网银大盗”,不但可以盗窃网上银行用户的账号密码,甚至可以突破银行U盾的防线,进行网上转帐。江民公司紧急预警并为部分银行提供了网银病毒专杀工具。◆2009年4月,继江民杀毒软件KV网络版首批入围北京市自主创新产品目录后,江民杀毒软件KV单机版入围第二批北京市自主创新产品目录,成为政府采购首选产品。截止到2009年4月份,江民科技在全国各省市文化共享工程项目招标中,已成功中标七次,江民杀毒软件KV网络版正在为全国七个省(市)文化共享工程提供着二十四小时的网络安全防御和管理,有力保障了全国文化共享工程的网络和信息安全。◆2009年6月22日,江民科技成为国内首批微软MAPP计划合作伙伴。微软MAPP计划主要致力于针对微软漏洞的安全防范,所有参加该计划的安全合作伙伴,可以在微软发布漏洞补丁之前,提前得到详细的漏洞技术资料,参与相关漏洞被病毒攻击情况调查。◆2009年7月16日,联想网御与江民科技在京成立“黑客攻击与网络病毒研究联合实验室”,并签订了补充合作协议。根据协议,双方在继续保持上一阶段“网络病毒特征库”合作的同时,将逐步开展在产品应用解决方案和技术研发层面的深度合作。2009年9月8日上午,中国残疾人特殊教育领域全国性大奖—— “江民特教园丁奖”颁奖仪式在人民大会堂隆重召开。八届全国人大副委员长、中国红十字会会长彭佩云,全国人大教科委副主任委员、民进中央副主席王佐书,全国政协教科文卫体委员会副主任于永湛,中国残联党组书记、理事长王新宪,中国残联副主席、中国残疾人福利基金会理事长汤小泉等领导出席会议并颁奖。会议由中国残联副理事长程凯主持。◆2009年国庆前夕,为了确保中华人民共和国60年周年庆典活动成功举行,江民科技作为技术支持单位,参加了由北京市信息办组织的国庆60周年庆典信息与网络安全保卫工作。为祖国60周年华诞的盛大庆典在网络上保驾护航。◆2009年10月13日,国内领先的计算机反病毒厂商江民科技悉心打造的江民杀毒软件KV2010新品在京隆重发布。江民杀毒软件KV2010系江民反病毒资深研发团队历时一年之久全新打造的一款新型全功能杀毒软件,新品凝聚了上百位研发工程师的智慧与心血,采用了全新的动态启发式杀毒引擎,融入了指纹加速功能,使杀毒功能更强、速度更快。同时,KV2010也是国内首家完美兼容微软WINDOWS7操作系统的2010版杀毒软件。◆2009年12月18日,江民科技宣布研发成功专用网络设备安全管理系统,这款称为“江民系统加固”的安全软件,具有无需升级、毫不影响专用设备运行、兼容性好、可管理性强等特点。解决了长期困挠网管员的关于无人值守服务器、地铁闸机、银行取款机等专用网络设备的安全问题。◆2008年12月份,北京市网络与信息安全协调小组、北京市信息化工作办公室、第29届奥运会组委会技术部联合在北京国际会议中心召开表彰大会,江民科技被授予奥运政务网络与信息安全优秀服务单位荣誉称号。◆2008年10月份,江民杀毒软件KV2009正式发布,新品国内首次融入启发式扫描、“沙盒”等先进的未知病毒防范技术,并以多达30余项的创新技术和功能被称为“全功能杀毒软件”。◆2008年9月份,江民科技奥运网络安保工作突出受到有关部门表彰。◆2008年8月份,江民科技召开奥运安保小组誓师大会,24小时值守奥运网络安保应急工作。◆2008年7月份,江民科技被第29届奥运会网络安全指挥部聘为第29届奥运信息网络安全技术保障单位。◆2008年6月份,江民推出六大创新反病毒技术为2008网络安全保驾护航。◆2008年6月份,江民发布“Flash蛀虫”病毒警报,推出病毒专杀工具。◆2008年5月份, 江民科技全体员工通过中国红十字总会向四川地震灾区捐款30万人民币支援地震灾区重建工作。◆2008年4月份,江民科技发布江民杀毒软件KV网络版2008,联手英特尔推安全主动管理技术(SAMT)。◆2008年3月份,江民科技发布“磁碟机”专杀工具,号召全国追杀病毒。◆2008年1月份,江民科技成立北京2008奥运网络安全应急响应小组。◆2008年1月份,江民被评为07年国家信息通报技术支持工作先进单位。◆2007年1月份,江民科技发布了2006年计算机病毒疫情报告及十大病毒,并宣布面向全国开展“新年无毒大行动”,让利三千万全线清剿毒王“威金”,保障电脑用户安安全全过新年。◆2007年1月份,江民科技再次发布“熊猫烧香”病毒警报,并发布“熊猫烧香”病毒专杀工具。◆2007年1月份,江民科技发布“熊猫烧香”病毒追杀令,再次围剿“熊猫烧香”。◆2007年2月份,江民科技率先发布国内首款全面支持微软Vista系统的杀毒软件,填补了国内杀毒软件普遍无法兼容Vista的市场空白。◆2007年2月份,江民杀毒软件KV网络版被北京市科委认定为北京市自主创新产品,并将由认定工作小组向政府采购、重大工程等相关采购机构推荐。◆2007年3月份,江民科技宣布,围绕3.15“和谐消费”的主题,全面开展“企业安全义诊”活动,为广大企事业单位提供免费的上门杀毒,免费防病毒培训及免费安装试用网络版江民杀毒软件的服务,让用户足不出户就可以享受到免费、高效、可靠的企业级整体防病毒服务,力求建立反病毒厂商与用户之间的和谐关系,构建和谐的市场环境。◆2007年3月份,江民科技宣布正式启动“江民春天网络安全之旅”活动,从技术、服务两方面双拳出击杀毒市场,为电脑用户打造更放心更安全的上网环境。◆2007年3月份,为了进一步防范光标漏洞蠕虫病毒利用微软Windows系统ANI文件处理漏洞疯狂传播,江民反病毒中心紧急研发推出了“光标漏洞专杀工具”,有效遏制了病毒的进一步蔓延。◆2007年4月份,江民科技公司宣布在福建、海南、内蒙古三地全面启动“杀毒安全风暴”活动,以58元超低价格向当地用户特供原价228元的江民杀毒软件KV2007,让更多的电脑用户可以享受到正版杀毒软件提供的优质网络安全服务,免受病毒侵扰。◆2007年4月份,江民科技宣布正式发布江民杀毒软件KV网络版2007,国内首创“病毒威胁统一管理”的安全理念。◆2007年6月份,继联合中国残联共同完成“百所特殊教育学校网络安全工程”,成功部署全国21个省市的特殊教育院校网络安全后,江民科技宣布面向教育行业发起“教育安全风暴”活动。◆2007年6月份,江民杀毒软件KV2007已于上周正式通过英国西海岸实验室VISTA反病毒权威认证,成为国内首家通过第三方权威VISTA反病毒认证的国产杀毒软件。◆2007年7月份,江民科技发布了2007年上半年计算机病毒疫情报告。◆2007年8月份,江民杀毒软件2007再次通过了英国西海岸实验室国际反病毒Checkmark权威三项认证(CheckmarkL1查毒、CheckmarkL2杀毒、反木马)的复检,连同6月份首家通过的Checkmark Vista反病毒认证,一举成为国内首家唯一通过Checkmark反病毒四项认证的国产杀毒软件。◆2007年9月份,江民科技在北京翠宫饭店举行了盛大发布会,正式发布江民杀毒软件KV2008,新品成功突破了两大世界性反病毒难题,成为全球首家具有灾难恢复功能的智能主动防御杀毒软件。◆2007年10月份,江民科技宣布开展“杀毒升级风暴”活动,所有曾经使用过江民杀毒软件的老用户,都可凭老产品序列号,以68元的特价购买与组合版功能完全相同的江民杀毒软件KV2008升级版套装。◆2007年11月份,北京奥林匹克运动会组委会在北京奥运大厦召开了信息网络安全专家聘请会,公司董事长王江民成为杀毒厂商中唯一受聘的网络与信息安全专家。◆2007年11月份,2007年中国创意产业年度大奖在北京钓鱼台国宾馆隆重揭晓,江民科技入选2007中国创意产业100强。◆2006年12月份,江民发布国内首家发布“熊猫烧香”病毒紧急警报,并推出“熊猫烧香”专杀工具。◆2006年12月份,江民宣布国内首家支持VISTA的杀毒软件研发成功。◆2006年11月份,江民全国渠道大会胜利召开,区域运营模式成功实施。◆2006年10月份,中非合作论坛及北京峰会召开,江民科技积极投入网络安全保卫工作。◆2006年9月份,KV2007新版在人民大会堂发布。◆2006年9月份,江民杀毒软件手机版发布。◆2006年9月份,江民杀毒软件被国家质检总局评为中国名牌产品。◆2006年7月份,江民杀毒软件新的形象代言吉祥物–“凯威”诞生。◆2006年6月份,江民信息安全系列产品新的成员–《江民密保》研发上市。◆2006年4月份,国内首家通过英国西海岸实验室反病毒checkmark国际认证。◆2006年3月份,通过软件成熟度CMMI国际认证。◆2006年2月份,江民杀毒软件KV网络版2006隆重发布。◆2005年11月份,江民科技宣布为盛大互动娱乐终端EZStation定制专用杀毒软件。◆2005年10月份,江民科技为全国第十届运动会组委会新闻中心提供防病毒服务。◆2005年10月份,江民科技通过ISO9001国际质量体系认证。◆2005年9月份,江民科技在北京钓鱼台隆重发布了KV2006新品。独创BOOTSCAN杀毒技术,是国内首款兼容32位系统的64位杀毒软件。◆2005年6月份,江民科技正式发布KV2005“未知病毒主动防御”系统。◆2005年5月份,国内最大的反病毒软件公司江民科技宣布启动“教育杀毒风暴”,推出江民杀毒软件KV网络版教育行业专用产品。◆2005年4月份,国内最大的计算机反病毒软件专业厂商江民科技宣布启动病毒“斩首行动”,“五一”前夕向终端发放百万套反病毒扑克牌“通缉令”。◆2005年3月份,江民科技宣布研发成功一种新型反病毒技术——木马行为阻断技术。◆2005年1月份,江民科技宣布开展为期两周的在线杀毒义卖活动,将两周之内义卖募得的所有款项全部捐给中华慈善总会,以支援印度洋海啸灾区人民。◆2004年12月份,江民率先截获“证券大盗”病毒,并召开“网上证券交易安全研讨会”。◆2004年11月份,集成了移动网管等多种新技术的KV网络版2005正式发布。◆2004年10月份,国内首款系统级杀毒软件KV2005正式发布,独创三大技术“系统级编程技术”“立体联动防杀技术”“系统级深度防护技术”。◆2004年8月份,江民宣布KV系列杀毒软件率先支持微软WINXP SP2安全中心认证。◆2004年7月份,江民与微软结成ISV合作伙伴关系。◆2004年5月底,江民开展“夏季缉毒风暴”活动,推出KV2004国际版,在日本、美国、加拿大等国家同步发售。◆2004年5月份,江民电脑急救全国连锁组织成立,全国首个数据修复权威品牌诞生。◆2004年5月份,与全国十二家地方媒体合作免费发放60万张震荡波病毒应急光盘。◆2004年4月底,江民率先截杀“网银大盗”及震荡波病毒,同期开展了“网上银行安全月”活动。◆2004年2月份,开展“江民携手破天一剑,倡导安全娱乐”活动,推出“防盗先锋”产品,从技术层面保障广大游戏玩家的虚拟财富的安全。◆2003年11月份,江民公司组团参加在澳大利亚悉尼召开的亚洲反病毒大会,江民公司网站发布的病毒预警被与会专家通报表扬。◆2003年10月份,推出江民杀毒软件KV2004充值版和充值卡。◆2003年8月份,国内首家截获并查杀“冲击波”病毒,中央电视台《东方时空*东方之子》栏目就此事对江民公司总裁王江民进行了专访。◆2003年7月份,推出江民杀毒软件KV2004。◆2003年6月份,正式推出KV江民杀毒软件在线杀毒版。◆2003年4月份,江民杀毒软件日本版VIRUS DOCTOR在日本正式上市。◆2003年3月份,发起江民网络版杀毒软件阳光行动,成功切入中小企业杀毒市场。◆2003年1月份,KV江民杀毒王2003正式上市。◆2002年,推出KV3000杀毒王,研发并推出“比特动态虑毒技术”、“前杀病毒技术”。◆2001年,KV3000连续三年荣获中国软件行业协会“中国优秀软件产品”大奖。◆2001年,KV3000连续四年荣获连邦软件排行榜“十佳国产PC软件”大奖。◆2001年,KV3000获电脑报“佳能杯”读者有奖调查双项大奖,即“读者首选品牌和市场占有率第一品牌”。◆2001年9月份,KV3000适应中国加入WTO,隆重推出多功能、多语言国际版,使国产软件走向世界。◆2001年9月份,KV网络版胜利推出,在公安部的评测中为最高分。◆2000年,江民公司创中关村科技园区前100名利税大户,并创中关村科技园区“其它行业总收入前50名”。◆2000年12月份,KV3000成功推向日本市场,日方一次订货3万套,后加订了5万套。◆2000年11月份,KV3000隆重推出,同年,独创硬盘救护箱功能,被评为一级品(最高品)。◆1999年1月份,江民公司开发出实时监测病毒防火墙,并增加了检测ZIP、ARJ、RAR等压缩文件的功能。◆1998年12月份,江民公司开设了。两个网站为用户提供全方位的服务。◆1998年12月份,KV300+在国内又第一个清除WORD97、98类的宏病毒,并且第一个杀除了WINDOWS无数次变形的Marburg病毒。◆1998年8月份,江民公司成功推出了杀CIH病毒的升级版,这是第一个能完全干净不留病毒僵尸和残余代码的杀毒软件,并免费为用户修复了上万个硬盘数据,8月31日被公安部下文推荐。◆1997年11月份,KV300+上市,在国内第一个清除WORD95宏病毒。◆1996年9月份,KV300成功上市,在国际上首次将灾难恢复功能加入到KV300中,全国出现排队抢购局面。◆1996年8月份,江民公司在中关村注册成立。◆1995年,KV200上市,国内用户使用上首款能够自我扩充杀病毒代码库的杀毒软件。◆1994年,KV100杀病毒软件诞生,中国出现了一匹杀毒黑马,用户首次使用智能广谱自我扩充查毒代码技术。◆1993年,王江民编写的KV50杀病毒软件诞生。◆1992年,王江民编写的KV20杀病毒软件诞生。◆1991年,王江民编写的KV12杀病毒软件诞生。◆1990年,王江民编写的KV6杀病毒软件诞生,一次成功杀除多种病毒。◆1989年,王江民编写出石头、小球病毒专杀工具。◆1988年,王江民手工解除大麻、石头、小球病毒。

⑻ 省略号有哪些作用

优质解答(一) 1.表示语意未尽;2.表示话未说完;3.表示说话时断断续续;4.表示列举事物的省略;5.表示静默或思考;6.表示语言中断;7.表示列举同类事物和序数词语的省略;8.表示引文或引述的话有所省略;9.表示重复词语的省略. (二)省略号(……),又称删节号,用于省略原文的符号,中间不能断开,不能用在一行之首. “引文的省略,用省略号标明.” “举例的省略,用省略号标明.” “说话断断续续,可以用省略号标示.” “用在表示节省原文或语句未完、意思未尽等.” 省略号 省略号是表明文句中省略内容的标号. 省略号的主要用法是表示省略.省略的内容主要有四:一是引文;二是重复性词语;三是类似语句;四是列举. 除省略外,省略号还有以下几种用法: 1、 表示沉默,无语: 例:何为:梅伯母的身体已经经不起路上的颠簸了!欧阳平:…… 2、 表语言中断: 例:穿长袍的问:"这位是……""我的兄弟."戴礼帽的回答. 破折号也可表语言中断,但两者有不同:破折号表语言戛然而止,省略号表余音未尽. 3、表语言断断续续. 例:上级……派我……到这儿……工作,我没……有……完成……上级……交给我的……任务. 4、表含糊其辞,欲言又止 例:我即刻胆怯了起来,便想全翻过先前的话来,"那是……实在,……我说不清…….其实,究竟有没有魂灵,我也说不清." 5、表明语意未尽. 例:"可恶!然而……."四叔说.6、话还未说完被别人前去说了.例: 孔乙己睁大眼睛说,“你怎么这样凭空污人清白……”“什么清白?我前天亲眼看见你偷了何家的书,吊着打. 破折号的用法有:①表示对上文的注释,说明;②表示意思的连续和跃进;③表示说话的迟疑或意思的转折; ④表示说话的中断或声音的延续;⑤表示引出下文和总结上文. ⑴我很快乐,也很惧怕—这种窃读的滋味!

⑼ 2020年注册深圳公司需要什么资料有什么新政策




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